Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love A Rainy Day

At 4.11 inches of rainfall recorded this past month, I would say we have had a wonderfully wet July! Being that I am a “girl raised in the south” I was accustomed to afternoon rain showers, and day long thunderstorms, but after moving to west Texas twelve years ago I learned to accept the fact that a good rain shower would not be a regular part of my life. I have so enjoyed the rain over the past couple of weeks!

Although our lawn is green, and the newly planted grass is taking over, our beds have lost all their mulch, and the few bedding plants that I planted in the spring have all washed away. Our yard was not prepared for this type of saturation. I must say the plants that have survived are looking better than I’ve ever seen anything in my yard look (Thank you Tim for all your hard work). If your yard is green, luscious, and overflowing with vegetation, you must try to understand where I am coming from. The only green and luscious things that have been in my yard over the past twelve years have come from the half off sales at Hobby Lobby. Yes, I’m talking about silk, plastic, artificial, or whatever you choose to call them. I’m that woman! I cope with this hardship by making regular trips to the florist for discount cut flowers to enjoy inside my home.
I'm not sure about you but many times I try to cope with the drought and the storms in my life the same way. I try to figure out ways to experience the good things without waiting patiently on God. I'm not always willing to tarry as long as it might take. Spiritual drought can make me quite uncomfortable but I am also not always prepared for the saturation of His love when he pours it out on me. The sad part of this is that when I do things my way I only get to experience artificial fruit and not the luscious rewards that God has for me. I ultimately rob myself of true genuine growth. What about you? Do you find yourself trying to help God out with His plan? How about the rainy days in your life , do you love them or do you fear the possible out come ? How do you cope when things don't appear to be going the way you had hoped?
Do tell!
Oh the beauty that awaits us when we do things God's way!

These are a few stems I picked up from a local florist. For $16 I had a beautiful bouquet for Bethany's bridal portraits. Stay tuned for more on the upcoming wedding.

1 comment:

parTea lady said...

You have a delightful blog, a perfect mix of eye candy and wise words. Your friend Gwynie at the Pink Tractor sent me over for a visit. I'll be back to enjoy the wedding posts.