Thursday, October 8, 2009


I really enjoy my home much more when it is organized. I am naturally an organized person but I will say that the older I get the less efficient I seem to be. I don't know if I have grown up a little and realize some things that I thought were important just aren't, or if I have just gotten lazy in my old age. Whatever the case may be, I find myself occasionally wanting things organized to the hilt. If you happen to be in one of those get organized moods like I am, I have a little something to share. I ran across this great interview with Krista from one of the blogs I follow. Its great information on organizing your child's closet and I thought you mom's with little ones might enjoy it. Krista is an organization specialist and you can read about her wonderful ideas on her blog.Be sure to go over and check out the rest of her great ideas and tell her I sent you.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow, the office looks great, Mahj!! Way to go!! I think you've blessed/cursed me with your skills!! I need organization too!!