Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend

I realized this Easter that our family has very few traditions for this holiday other than celebrating with our church family through a resurrection service. We do normally spend the day together enjoying food and chocolate. I really enjoy giving everyone “happies” as I call them. “Happies are just a little unexpected something that you would randomly give to someone to make them feel special. I should mention that I’m really bad about waiting till the last minute to shop for “happies.” Tim and I were out late on Thursday evening searching for “happies” when I stumbled upon these neat Velcro towels for the girls. I had the most difficult time finding something for the guys. Could it be that I’m not accustom to buying “happies” for more than one man? Well, I didn’t do so good this time. Sorry guys. All they got were kites and money to buy themselves honkers (sodas). Of course Tim pulled the reins back when I started shopping for Julia’s “happy”. I do tend to go overboard. She got a swimming pool that will stay at Maime’s house, so she can swim when she comes to visit, a book that sings Jesus Loves Me when it opens and of course a big ole beach ball to play with in the pool, all stuffed in a neat little felt basket. The book drove everyone crazy except her! I don’t know what it is about me, but I love to give “happies”!
The fun filled weekend cranked up early on Saturday morning as we headed out to some garage sales. I found just what I was looking for, twelve yellow pastel place mats for my Easter dinner tablescape for just$3.00. They appeared to have never been used!

I also found a box of books for Julia that were brand new. I got about fifteen baby books that were just so cute for only $3.00!

We finished off the morning with breakfast at IHOP! After waiting for a table for forty-five minute I was pretty exasperated, to say the least. Besides, I needed to get home to start the preparations for the special meal planned for Resurrection Sunday!

On Saturday afternoon John Ryan and Bethany made burgers and Tim grilled them.

After dinner we had an impromptu dance party and croquet game in the front yard. I was glad most of my neighbors weren’t home. It was quite interesting, but… we made memories! That’s what it’s all about!

On Saturday evening I went to bed knowing that John Ryan was going to propose to Bethany as the sun rose the next morning. He had persuaded her that their very own Easter sunrise service would be a neat thing for them to do together. Being the great planner that he is John Ryan had already lined up Tim’s truck for the outing. He had scoped out the terrain the day before and felt a truck would get them where they wanted to go to get the best view of the sunrise. At some point in the early hours of the morning we had a huge downpour. Now you have to know that a downpour is a rare thing in west Texas. Half asleep I recall thinking that I hoped John Ryan had an alternate plan because the rain sure was coming down heavy. I got up early and found that they had already left. As I went about the task of the morning all I could think about was the awaited phone call from the elated bride and groom to be. Unfortunately the clock kept ticking without a call. As the time neared for us to head off to church service, my anxiety level heightened. Just before we left our house we got a phone call from John Ryan informing us that they were stuck in the mud in Tim’s truck and after trying for quite a while they were unable to get the truck out. Of course at this point Tim and I were unable to help them, so we sent Rachel to get them and decided to go back for the truck later in the afternoon. The encouraging part about this muddy engagement is, in Bethany’s words “ At least we know when to ask for help.” They later met us at the church service and we were then able to rejoice with them and laugh about the truck incident (more memories). You can go to to see pictures and hear the rest of their story.

Bethany and John Ryan's shoes when they returned home

I spent the rest of that special day rejoicing over all that God has done in my life. Were it not for His death, and resurrection it would not be possible for me to enjoy the beauty of family. I otherwise would live a life burdened by my sin. Because of His great sacrifice my life has been saved from destruction. All that I enjoy is made possible through His love. I hope that you know that love. If not, write me. I would love to tell you more about Him.

Making Memories,


OhK-Booth said...

I miss you pretty lady and am so happy about your new addition to your family!

Elaine said...

Thank you for the comment OhK-Booth! I love hearing from my friends. We are excited about another son-in-law as well!

carol t. said...

Hi Elaine...out of work from an injury and have so much(missed)time to catch up... I just read a bit of this blog...story of engagement and the baby...So happy for you and your family! I am really encouraged by what you said. Thanks for sharing.

Gwynie Pie said...

What a fun story and beginning of their journey. Also, love seeing your Easter table and hearing about your family traditions. Gun stuff !